Ingress Wiki
See also: Key Locker

A Capsule Capsule is a container that holds other items. They can be used to organize items and operate on them in bulk, most frequently for exchanging large numbers of items between Agents.

Capsules Capsule can hold up to 100 items. Any item, except for Capsules Capsule themselves, can be placed within a Capsule Capsule. The items within, as well as the Capsule Capsule itself, count towards the Agent's inventory cap. Items inside a Capsule Capsule are not included in the item category sums in the Inventory screen.


While Capsules Capsule are listed as Rare, they have a far lower drop rate than Rare Mods. Community studies have estimated the drop rate to be approximately 1 in 4 000 item rolls.

Items remain inside a dropped Capsule Capsule. Other Agents can pick up the Capsule Capsule and acquire the items, which simplifies donating and exchanging gear.

Capsule pickup failed

Capsule pickup failed due to insufficient inventory space.

Beware that attempting to pick up a Capsule Capsule with insufficient inventory space will play the "pick up" sound effect, but the Capsule Capsule will remain on the ground. The message "Too many items." will appear on the Agent's Scanner, in red text, similar to hacking a Portal during Cooldown or Burnout.

Recycling a Capsule Capsule also recycles every item it contains, adding the total XM to the Agent's XM tank.

Each Capsule Capsule, Quantum Capsule and Kinetic Capsule has an eight character long hexadecimal ID which means that there can "only" be 168 (=4 294 967 296) Capsules Capsule at any given time. These IDs appear to be non-consecutive and are useful for identifying a dropped Capsule Capsule, and distinguishing them within an Agent's inventory.

Currently, in Ingress Prime, Capsules Capsule also allow for labels to be placed on them in order to know at a glance what is kept in them.

Kinetic Capsule[]

A Kinetic Capsule is a unique type of Capsule Capsule that crafts items through a combination of XM, Materials (items), and kinetic energy charged by walking a predetermined distance. Level 4+ Agents can claim one Common Kinetic Capsule for free in the Store which is indestructible and reusable.[1] Rare Kinetic Capsules function the same, with an exception: they can only be used three times. After that, they are destroyed. Rare Kinetic Capsules are currently obtained by hacking, as part of the monthly C.O.R.E. loadout or by buying them in the Store.

A total of seven Kinetic Capsules can run at the same time by either activating the Common Kinetic Capsule and six Rare Kinetic Capsules or by activating seven Rare Kinetic Capsules. If a Kinetic Capsule is completed, but the item has not been claimed yet, it still counts towards this limit.

The Kinetic Capsule management menu allows you to select from a menu of known Programs, which are instructions that can be executed to craft a specific item. These Kinetic Capsule Programs require a certain amount of XM and 8 km of walking in addition to the specific items consumed by the Kinetic Capsule.

The maximum distance able to contribute to a Kinetic Capsule is 40 km per day. Any distance above 40 km walked within 24 hours will still contribute to the Trekker-medal but will not be counted towards Kinetic Capsule Programs. During normal operations, this means that up to five Programs can be completed within the 24 hour period. During events which reduce the distance requirements, more than five Programs can be completed per day.

There are six permanent Programs that produce items of different rarity that can be crafted through the Kinetic Capsule. An Agent can use Resonators Resonator, XMP Bursters XMP Burster and Power Cubes Power Cube that are (above) the specified level (usually L4+).

Kinetic Capsule Programs[]

 Very Rare  Portal Shield Very Rare Portal Shield
Output: 1x  Very Rare  Portal Shield
Input: 8 km (Kinetic energy distance)
L5 Resonator L5 Resonator
Output: 20x L5 Resonators
Input: 8 km (Kinetic energy distance)
 Very Rare  Heat Sink Very Rare Heat Sink
Output: 1x  Very Rare  Heat Sink
Input: 8 km (Kinetic energy distance)
L7 Resonator L7 Resonator
Output: 20x L7 Resonators
Input: 8 km (Kinetic energy distance)
 Very Rare  Multi-Hack Very Rare Multi-Hack
Output: 1x  Very Rare  Multi-Hack
Input: 8 km (Kinetic energy distance)
L4 Resonator L4 Resonator
Output: 50x L4 Resonators
Input: 8 km (Kinetic energy distance)
 Very Rare  SoftBank Ultra Link SoftBank Ultra Link
Output: 1x  Very Rare  SoftBank Ultra Link
Input: 8 km (Kinetic energy distance)
L6 Resonator L6 Resonator
Output: 50x L6 Resonators
Input: 8 km (Kinetic energy distance)
 Very Rare  JARVIS Virus JARVIS Virus
Output: 1x  Very Rare  JARVIS Virus
Input: 8 km (Kinetic energy distance)
L5 XMP Burster L5 XMP Burster
Output: 20x L5 XMP Bursters
Input: 8 km (Kinetic energy distance)
 Very Rare  ADA Refactor ADA Refactor
Output: 1x  Very Rare  ADA Refactor
Input: 8 km (Kinetic energy distance)
L7 XMP Burster L7 XMP Burster
Output: 20x L7 XMP Bursters
Input: 8 km (Kinetic energy distance)
L8 Resonator L8 Resonator
Output: 8x L8 Resonators
Input: 8 km (Kinetic energy distance)
 Very Rare  ITO EN Transmuter (+) ITO EN Transmuter (+)
Output: 1x  Very Rare  ITO EN Transmuter (+)
Input: 8 km (Kinetic energy distance)
 Very Rare  Hypercube Hypercube
Output: 5x  Very Rare  Hypercubes
Input: 8 km (Kinetic energy distance)
 Very Rare  ITO EN Transmuter (-) ITO EN Transmuter (-)
Output: 1x  Very Rare  ITO EN Transmuter (-)
Input: 8 km (Kinetic energy distance)
L1 Resonator L1 Resonator
Output: 40x L1 Resonators
Input: 8 km (Kinetic energy distance)
 Very Rare  Beacon Beacon - Peace
Output: 3x  Very Rare  Beacons - Peace
Input: 8 km (Kinetic energy distance)

Quantum Capsule[]

The Quantum Capsule was a Capsule variant that occasionally duplicates items inside it. It was the rarest item to get from a Hack.

Quantum Capsules duplicate items exactly once per day. The number of items created is proportional to the number stored in the Quantum Capsule.[2] The Quantum Capsule must contain fewer than 100 items and the Agent's inventory must have fewer than 2 000 (2 500 for C.O.R.E members) items.[3]

According to analysis from February 2016, Ultra Strikes Ultra Strike (Very Common) had a per-item duplication rate of 5% over four days.[4]

Since Capsules Capsule cannot be placed within other Capsules Capsule, they cannot be duplicated.


MUFG Capsule

Originally called the MUFG Capsule, it was a sponsored item bearing the name of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.[5] The connection was that like its investment-bank patron, it the MUFG Capsule would pay interest in the form of duplicated items.

When initially introduced, the duplication rate was far higher, around 1% per MUFG Capsule per day and did not depend on the rarity of the items inside it. Thus it was a far easier way to acquire Very Rare items such as Flip Cards and AXA Shields than hacking. The drop rate of MUFG Capsules was also much higher, roughly the same as regular Capsules Capsule. This changed around 19. February 2016 when the duplication rates for Rare and Very Rare items were reduced.[4] On 26. December 2016, Very Rare items could no longer be duplicated. Since June 2017, MUFG Capsules were no longer hackable[6] until 11. December 2017 with the release of Ingress 1.129.2, the MUFG Capsule was replaced with the Quantum Capsule. All inventories were immediately converted and the Quantum Capsule became hackable again. Finally, on 10. January 2023, it was announced that Quantum Capsules would no longer be hackable, and all Quantum Capsules would be converted to Rare Capsules (plus Kinetic Capsules) in the coming weeks[7].

On 10. January 2023, Niantic announced that the Quantum Capsule will be discontinued and removed from the game on 24. January 2023. Every Agent that had a Quantum Capsule in their inventory at that point was granted a normal Capsule Capsule and a Rare Kinetic Capsule Kinetic Capsule as a replacement, with items still remaining in the Quantum Capsules being moved to the new Capsule Capsule.



