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The ADA Refactor ADA Refactor and JARVIS Virus JARVIS Virus items are collectively known as Flip Cards, as they instantly "flip" a Portal to the opposite faction. The two items' effects are identical; they differ only in appearance and in the Portals they can target. Flip Cards were introduced in Update 1.26.0.

Both Flip Cards can be used by Agents of either faction. Community studies suggest that their drop rates are both 1 in 2500 hacking rolls, regardless of the faction of the Agent and Portal. Using a Flip Card on a Level 8 Portal requires more XM than any other single action in the Scanner.

When activated from the Ops menu, the Flip Card allows the Agent to select the target Portal from within his or her 40m area of influence. Once confirmed, the XM cost is deducted, the item is consumed, and the following effects are enacted:

The term "Flip Card" is the term used for either weapon, found in the APK for the Scanner.

XM Costs[]

Using a Flip Card requires a tremendous amount of XM. The cost depends on the level of the target Portal. Because the XM cannot reach 0 unless being attacked by enemy Portals, an Agent of Level 6 or lower cannot flip Portals two or more levels higher than his or her own.

Portal Level XM Cost
L1 1 000 XM
L2 2 000 XM
L3 3 000 XM
L4 4 000 XM
L5 5 000 XM
L6 6 000 XM
L7 7 000 XM
L8 8 000 XM

Strategy – Flipping an Enemy Portal[]

The most straightforward use of a Flip Card is to attack an enemy Portal and instantly align it. Some common roles for this use include:

  • Resource Access – Turning a high-level enemy Portal to an Agent's own side allows the Agent to "farm" an increased number of items from it, especially if the enemy applied high-quality Heat Sinks Heat Sink and Multi-Hacks Multi-Hack first
  • Resource Denial – If the enemy is aggressively recharging a high-level Portal while others "farm" it, flipping it will reduce the number items they can acquire and force them to expend Power Cubes Power Cube
  • Link/Control Field Δ Destruction – If an anchor Portal is heavily shielded and there is not enough time to destroy it, flipping it will instantly take down its Links and Control Fields Δ. This is especially crucial in scoring ops, to prevent the Control Field Δ from standing through checkpoint
  • Inoculation – Flipping the Portal prevents it from being flipped again for 60 minutes. If an enemy Portal is flipped 59 minutes before a checkpoint, it can be used as an anchor that must be painstakingly and manually attacked to bring the Control Fields Δ down. Coordinating inoculation is a crucial part of Anomaly strategy.
  • Hijacking – If enemy Agents visit an area and do not plan to return, flipping their Portals can allow an isolated group of Agents to acquire extra-high-level gear and superior mods

While flipping an enemy Portal can be a powerful play, a savvy Agent will first consider the caveats:

  • An enemy Agent can simply flip the Portal back after 60 minutes
  • The Portal will be immune to damage from the Agent's own team, forcing him to wait and flip it back to permanently destroy it
  • All Resonators Resonator and Mods will be under the Agent's own name, which usually locks him or her out from deploying new Resonators Resonator or applying new Mods
  • If the Portal was flipped to take advantage of its Multi-Hacks Multi-Hack or Heat Sinks Heat Sink, the enemy can easily destroy them

Strategy - Flipping a friendly Portal[]

Enemy Flip Cards are far from useless - they have subtle and highly technical consequences that grant an Agent a highly versatile toolkit.

  • Lane Clearing - Flipping a friendly Portal is the only way for an Agent to break the Links attached to it. This is a critical role in ops, where incidental friendly Links often block a key lane.
  • Defense - Flipping a friendly Portal makes it immune to all attacks, and grants it a 60-minute lockout period against flipping. When done less than two hours before a checkpoint, it can severely reduce the amount of time opponents have to interfere with an op.
  • Mod Upgrading - Flipping a friendly Portal, attacking it with Ultra Strikes Ultra Strike, and flipping back is the only way to destroy and replace a Mod while leaving the Portal intact.
  • Rapid Key Farming - Flip Cards can be used to hack a Portal nine times in mere seconds. Hack the Portal, then apply a Heat Sink Heat Sink. Repeat four times. Then, flip the Portal, destroy it, and do it once more. The technique allows an Agent to acquire many Portal Keys Portal Key to the same Portal in an extremely short period of time.
  • Trolling - Destroy an enemy's favourite Portal, deploy eight Level 1 Resonators L1 Resonator on it at minimum distance, and work with a friend to fill the Mod slots with Link Amps Link Amp. Then, flip the Portal. The opponent is now left with an embarrassing, vulnerable Portal that cannot be modded, and will usually need to waste a Flip Card of his or her own to destroy it. This is known as "Pineappling", "Campfiring", or "Grenading" and is one of the dirtiest and most hilarious tricks in the Scanner.
  • Upgrading - Five Agents deploy Level 8 Resonators L8 Resonator on a Portal, then flip it. Later, one Agent flips it back and three of the others put fresh Level 8 Resonators L8 Resonator in the slots, completing a Level 8 Portal when eight Agents are not available.

While flipping a friendly Portal has many uses, the thoughtful Agent will consider the ways it could backfire:

  • The enemy can simply wait out the 60-minute lockout, then flip the Portal back and destroy it
  • The Portal's owner, as well as the owners of any Resonators Resonator and Mods attached to it, will be notified that the Agent destroyed his or her work. Be careful, since the Portal could be contributing to a Longest Field Held streak.
  • Enemy Agents can still add Mods to the Portal, so prepare to get your Portal back with a few extra Link Amps Link Amp.
  • Enemy Agents can hack the Portal and gain significant numbers of items.


The placeholder names __ADA__ and __JARVIS__ have profiles, visible only by tapping the name in a Portal info screen. Althogh the profiles are not used, they are both at Level 8 and have multiple Character medals, as well as anniversary medals.
