Ingress Wiki
Prime-Hack-MenuButton withText

Hacking is the primary way to obtain items in Ingress.


Prime-Hack-ButtonMenu withText

The hacking menu in Prime. Agents can request a Portal Key Portal Key, request no Portal Key Portal Key, or initiate a Glyph Hack.

Hacking occurs at Portals. To hack a Portal, the Portal must be in the Agent's area of influence. Tapping on the Portal will bring up the Portal menu on the Scanner. Selecting the 'Hack'-button 'Hack'-button will initiate the Hack.

The Agent may also press and hold on the Portal, then swipe left to hack it or swipe down to hack without getting a Portal Key Portal Key.

Hacking a friendly Portal will always give the Agent at least one Resonator Resonator. Hacking an enemy Portal will grant the Agent 100 AP, but the Portal has a chance to counterattack. However, community studies suggest that enemy Portals are more generous with XMP Bursters XMP Burster.

Hacking may occasionally result in no items; this appears more likely on hostile Portals.


The following Medals can be earned by hacking Portals:

Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Onyx
Hack Portals. Hack Portals. Hack Portals. Hack Portals. Hack Portals.
2 000 10 000 30 000 100 000 200 000

The following Medals can be earned by hacking Portals via Dronenet:

Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Onyx
Drone hack Portals. Drone hack Portals. Drone hack Portals. Drone hack Portals. Drone hack Portals.
250 1 000 2 000 5 000 10 000

The following Medals can be earned by completing at least one Hack in consecutive 24 hours periods:

Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Onyx
Hack a Portal in consecutive 24 hour periods. Hack a Portal in consecutive 24 hour periods. Hack a Portal in consecutive 24 hour periods. Hack a Portal in consecutive 24 hour periods. Hack a Portal in consecutive 24 hour periods.
15 30 60 180 360

The following Medals can be earned by completing at least one physical (non-Drone) Hack for 7 consecutive days:

Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Onyx
Complete streaks. Complete streaks. Complete streaks. Complete streaks. Complete streaks.
2 4 8 30 60

Glyph Hacking[]

Main article: Glyph Hacking

Glyph hacking is a special hacking operation that Agents can initiate to increase the Portal-Hack's output, accessible by pressing and holding the 'Hack'-button in the Portal menu, and swiping to the Glyph-button Glyph-button. This will cause a Glyph Sequence to be received and displayed on the Scanner, which the Agent must memorize and return as input in the right order as quickly as possible. Successfully Glyph hacking a Portal will award the Agent with bonus items and AP.


Main article: Cooldown

After a successful Hack, a Portal cannot be hacked again for a certain period of time. The Portal has to "cooldown" before it is safe to hack again. Cooldown typically lasts 300 seconds (5 minutes) for neutral and aligned to the opposite Faction Portals, and 180 seconds (3 minutes) on Portals aligned to the Agents’ Faction, but can be lowered by installing a Heat Sink Heat Sink. The rarity of the Heat Sink Heat Sink determines the reduction in Cooldown, with rarer giving higher reductions. Installing a Heat Sink Heat Sink will immediately clear the Cooldown, no matter the rarity.


Main article: Burnout

After hacking or Glyph hacking a Portal a certain amount of times, the Portal will not be able to be hacked any more due to it burning out. This so called "Burnout", and lasts four hours after the first Hack. Usually, Burnout occurs if four Hacks are made within four hours, although the number of Hacks can be increased by installing Multi-Hacks Multi-Hack and the Burnout counter can be reset altogether using Heat Sinks Heat Sink.
