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The Link Amp (short for Link Amplifier) is a portal mod.

Available since scanner update 1.28.1, the Link Amp can be used to increase the range of a portal, which allows you to create links over greater distances.

SoftBank Ultra Link

The SoftBank Ultra Link (also known as the SBUL or Ultra Link for short) is a special type of Link Amp available since scanner update 1.79.0. The SoftBank Ultra Link can not only be used to increase the range of a portal, but also increases the maximum number of links that can be made from the portal from 8 to 16. It has no effect on the number of links that can be made to the portal, as you can always make an infinite number of links to a portal.

The SoftBank Ultra Link is sponsored by SoftBank Corp.

Range Amplification

The amount of range increase depends on the amount of Link Amps deployed. The following table shows the multiplyer for Link Amps:

Rarity Link Amps Range*
- 0 1x
Rare 1 2x
Rare 2 2.5x
Rare 3 2.75x
Rare 4 3x
Very Rare(SoftBank) 1 5x
Very Rare(SoftBank) 2 6.25x
Very Rare(SoftBank) 3 6.825x
Very Rare(SoftBank) 4 7.5x
Very Rare 1 7x
Very Rare 2 8.75x
Very Rare 3 9.625x
Very Rare 4 10.5x
*Range is expressed in meters and depends on the Level of the portal, multipling the standard range by the numbers above gives the amplified range


The Link Amp has 3 uses:


Deploy the item onto a portal.


Drop the item for others to retrieve.


Recycling this item will yield 80 XM.


  • Theoretically, the longest link range of a portal would be 6,881.28 km, or about 17.2% of the Earth's equator.