Ingress Wiki

Portals are phenomena that throw lots of Exotic Matter into this world. If it is captured with a Resonator it will align to the faction and be available for Linking. The color of a portal indicates which faction is in control of it: blue for the Resistance Resistance Logo, green for the EnlightenedEnlightened Logo, and white for neutral. Portals are rated by levels, L1-L8, based on the average level of resonators. Moving into proximity of a portal will allow the agent to select the portal and have access to different actions through the portal menu.

Portal Info

Level Link Range
L1 160m
L2 2.560km
L3 12.96km
L4 40.96km
L5 100km
L6 207.36km
L7 384.16km
L8 655.36km
Portal Info

Portal information window

When a portal comes into action range of the agent's Scanner, selecting it will bring up an information window. The top of the window displays the level of the portal, as well as the owner, XM energy level, and a key icon that lights up if the agent is holding that portal's key. The number of connected resonators, along with their levels and XM energy are displayed on the lower left. Action buttons are on the right, and change dependent on if the portal is friendly or not.

The total link range of the portal is calculated as follows:

LR[km]= 0,16km * [Sum (Resonator Levels)/8 ]^4

Example: Level 7 Portal with Resonators 8 / 8 / 8 / 8 / 7 / 7 / 7 / 7

LR[km]= 0,16km * [( 8+8+8+8+7+7+7+7)/8]^4 = 506,25km

The link range can be amplified by deploying Link Amps.


Hacking is used to gain items and AP. Hacking a friendly portal will increase the chances of getting more items, but will give no AP. Enemy portals will give 100 AP for hacking, but less items, along with the risk of being attacked by the portal(note: in the later editions, it's the same whether you hack a friendly portal or enemy portal). Upon the first hack the agent will generally receive a portal key for that portal, but no more will be awarded while still holding the key to that portal, outside of specifically requesting one during a glyph hack during the Channel Command phase. Any agent can hack a portal once every five minutes up to four times before burnout (4 hours) . Burnout lasts for 4 hours from the time of the first hack. The use of Heat Sink and Multi-hack mods change the cool-down timer and burnout rate, respectively. Hacking a portal costs XM, based on the level of the portal:

Holding down the hack button, rather than tapping it, will bring up the Glyph window. This action will give you bonus drops. For these bonus drops you will need to watch the glyphs presented to you and repeat them.

Decay and Recharging

Resonators are powered by XM. Resonators start with a full charge, but the XM store is consumed at a rate of approximately 15% per day. Attacks on Resonators by XMPs also reduce their XM charge. Resonators will self-destruct when their charge reaches 0 XM. If all Resonators deployed on a Portal go to zero, the Portal will revert to Neutral status.

Portal resonators can be recharged until full by any friendly agent at the cost of the scanner's XM. Recharging grants 10 AP. All the resonators in the area can be recharged at once or individually. Generally, recharging requires that the agent be in influence range. Portals can be "Rapid Recharged" by pressing and holding the recharge button. This will consume all available XM up to 10,000.

Portals can be recharged remotely if the agent has the key to the portal. The further the agent is from the portal, the less efficient the recharge will be. If the efficiency would drop to below 50%, which happens at a distance of 1500km or higher[Confirmation needed, see reasons below], the portal cannot be recharged remotely.

The rate at which recharge efficiency reduces, as a function of range, is the following:

Efficiency = 100 - 0.0333 x Range

Please note that, to be completely correct, the efficiency found with the formula needs to be rounded to the first decimal place, up if the second decimal digit is 5 or above, down if it is 4 or below. The coefficient of the Range is actually a periodic number, but using it with at least three significant digits gives a perfect approximation.

(Please note this formula was found by experimental methods, using data from portal keys from 0.01 to 84km. If you discover it is somewhat incorrect please help the Wiki by correcting it.)


  • The Liberator medal is achieved by capturing portals.
  • The Pioneer medal is achieved by capturing unique portals.
  • The Explorer medal is achieved by visiting and hacking distinct Portals.
  • The Seer medal is achieved by discovering and successfully submitting new Portals. [Currently suspended after December 31, 2014 to acquire, but if you have one it will remain, however submissions after this date will not go towards acquiring the achievement until the suspension is lifted.]

Creating a Portal

Agents are encouraged to help create new portal locations by submitting an image and a small amount of text to help populate the world and increase the opportunities for other agents. There are two ways to submit a location to be a portal:

Through the scanner

Submitting a portal through the scanner is done by the following steps:

  1. Long press and swipe to the right on the target location. The device will then be put in camera mode for the agent to take a picture.
  2. Ensuring the whole of the location without including any people and in good lighting will produce the best image.
  3. Once the image has been taken, the agent will then need to enter a title and description. These should be as unique as possible without being lengthy.
  4. Ensure the target's location. (Sometimes the GPS does not get the best placement and the orientation may be off.)
  5. Submit the portal. An e-mail will be sent to the agent.

From the Gallery

This Option Is Not Available On All Devices Or All Versions Of Ingress

  1. Launch Gallery and select a photo to use for your candidate Portal.
  2. From the share menu, touch NIA Super Ops.
  3. On the submission screen, under CONFIRM LOCATION, ensure your candidate Portal is placed correctly. If the location is not correct, or if you see the message Location required, touch the map and drag to position the marker exactly where your candidate Portal should be.
  4. Enter a brief title (i.e. the name of the building, statue, work of art, etc.) in the NAME field.
  5. Enter a description of the candidate Portal [optional]. You can use the DESCRIPTION field to provide additional information about the candidate Portal’s significance or history.
  6. Touch SEND to submit your candidate Portal for consideration.

Improve the Submission Chances

Consider the following for improved chances of creating a new portal:

  1. Location with a cool story, a place in history, or educational value.
  2. A cool piece of art or unique architecture.
  3. A hidden gem or hyper-local spot.
  4. A community gathering place.
  5. Taking a clear, bright photo (candidates do not necessarily have to be visually impressive to meet acceptance criteria).

Similarly, while descriptions are not required, they are highly encouraged, and they often provide context and help us more clearly understand how your candidate meets the acceptance criteria.

*Location, Details, Image can be updated if need be from scaner, unless it's a historical site then you have to go to however just like orginal submissions they have to be approved first.

Portal submissions will take several weeks to a few months to be confirmed.
