Ingress Wiki
Prime mod screen

Mod Status screen of a Portal.

A Portal Mod (short for Portal Modifier, also simply known as Mod) is a type of item that modifies a Portal. Seven kinds of Mods exist, including three sponsored Mods. Most Portal Mods come in Common, Rare, and Very Rare rarities.

Four Portal Mods can be deployed per Portal, however, only two can be deployed per Agent per Portal. Once deployed, a Mod cannot be removed or upgraded, except when attacked by the enemy faction.

Portal Mods are independent of Resonator Resonator deployment and Portal level.

The Agent who deploys a Portal Mod receives 125 Access Points.

Portal Mod Types[]

Mod Kinds Description
Portal Shield

Portal Shield

  •  Common Common
  •  Rare Rare
  •  Very Rare Very Rare
  •  Very Rare Aegis
Mitigates the damage to Resonators from enemy attacks.
Force Amp

Force Amp

 Rare Rare Increases the strength (XM drain) of counterattacks upon enemy fire.


 Rare Rare Increases the probability of a counterattack.
Heat Sink

Heat Sink

  •  Common Common
  •  Rare Rare
  •  Very Rare Very Rare
Decreases cooldown time between Hacks and resets the burnout timer for the Agent who deployed it.


  •  Common Common
  •  Rare Rare
  •  Very Rare Very Rare
Increases the number of times a Portal can be hacked before burnout occurs.
Link Amp

Link Amp

  •  Rare Rare
  •  Very Rare Very Rare
  •  Very Rare SoftBank
Increases the maximum outgoing Link length from a Portal. SoftBank Ultra Link also increases the maximum number of outgoing Links and increases Link mitigation (shielding).
ITO EN Transmuter

ITO EN Transmuter (+)ITO EN Transmuter (-)

 Very Rare Very Rare Changes the Portal's hack output to either offensive (–) or defensive (+) items.