Ingress Wiki

Weapons are XMP Bursters XMP Burster, Ultra Strikes Ultra Strike and Flip Cards: ADA Refactors ADA Refactor (for flipping EnlightenedEnlightened Logo Portals to blue) and JARVIS Viruses JARVIS Virus (for flipping Resistance Resistance Logo Portals to green).

Weapon Items[]

Item Rarity Description
XMP Burster

XMP Burster

Very Common
(L1 - L8)
High range and damage, but not so good at destroying Portal Mods (e.g. Portal Shields Portal Shield). The most common weapon item.
Ultra Strike

Ultra Strike

Very Common
(L1 - L8)
Low range, high critical hit chance. Ideal at destroying Portal Shields Portal Shield and other Portal Mods. Occasionally useful for taking out individual Resonators Resonator.

Although marked as "Very Common", these are dropped much more rarely from hacking than XMP Bursters XMP Burster.

ADA Refactor

ADA Refactor

Very Rare Used to flip EnlightenedEnlightened Logo-owned Portals to Resistance Resistance Logo control; can be used by both factions.


Very Rare Used to flip Resistance Resistance Logo-owned Portals to EnlightenedEnlightened Logo control; can be used by both factions.


The below describes mechanisms shared by XMP Burster XMP Burster and Ultra Strike Ultra Strike.


The damage model is well-understood thanks to data collected by Copenhagen Resistance Resistance Logo players. The full range of the Weapon is divided into equal fifths. Resonators that are 0-20%, 20-40%, 40-60%, 60-80%, and 80-100% of the weapon's maximum range receive 100%, 50%, 25%, 12.5%, and 6.25% of raw damage respectively. (The raw damage, of course, may be further modified by Mitigation and Critical Hits.)[1]

Critical Hits[]

Whenever an XMP Burster XMP Burster or Ultra Strike Ultra Strike damages a Portal, there is a small chance for it to deal double damage. These critical hits are indicated by an exclamation point appearing before the damage indicator.

Critical hits can also be scored against Portal Mods. Mods are only destroyed by critical hits, so whenever a +80 AP appears, it means that the Agent has scored a critical hit on that mod. Stickiness gives a Mod a chance to survive a critical hit.

It is unknown how critical chance is calculated. User observation suggest that the chance for a Resonator or Mod to receive a critical hit is higher with:

  • Lower range to weapon detonation point
  • Longer charge-up before firing
  • Ultra Strikes Ultra Strike


While XMP Bursters XMP Burster and Ultra Strikes Ultra Strike will only fire individually, multiple such weapons can be queued up by firing in close succession. These will fire as the Ingress server processes the effects of previous attacks. Only a certain amount of XMP Bursters XMP Burster or Ultra Strikes Ultra Strike can be stacked at once, if the upper limit is reached, the scanner shows an "Too many attacks pending" error message. Once a queued weapon is fired, another can be queued again.

Note that if the Agent's XM reserves are completely depleted by Portal counterattacks, all stacked XMP Burster XMP Burster or Ultra Strikes Ultra Strike blasts are cancelled. Agents are advised to consume Power Cubes Power Cube before stacking to avoid this damage-reducing consequence.

