Ingress Wiki

XMP Bursters XMP Burster are the primary weapons used to attack enemy Portals. XMP Bursters XMP Burster are obtained through hacking Portals and drop in large numbers. XMP Bursters XMP Burster cause, and are affected by, Speed Lock.


XMP Bursters XMP Burster are used from the Fire sub-menu. The Agent invokes the menu by selecting a weapon from the Inventory and tapping 'Fire', or by holding a finger on the Scanner map and sliding it upwards. Tapping 'Fire' from this menu detonates the XMP Burster XMP Burster, which inflicts damage to nearby Resonators Resonator and can destroy Portal Mods.

A fired XMP Burster's XMP Burster area of effect is centered on the Agent and has a radius proportional to the XMP Burster's XMP Burster level. Resonators Resonator closer to the blast's center will take more damage, and Mods attached to Portals closer to the center have an increased chance of breaking.

Portals whose Resonators Resonator have been damaged have a chance to counterattack the Agent.

The XMP Burster XMP Burster damages Resonators Resonator by reducing their current XM, and is affected by Mitigation. Damage reduction from mitigation is rounded down, so each Resonator Resonator in range will take at least 1 XM of damage from each XMP Burster XMP Burster fired.

Charging an XMP Burster XMP Burster[]

Holding 'Fire' charges the XMP Burster XMP Burster and applies up to 20% bonus damage. The smaller the XM ring is when the 'Fire' button is released, the more bonus damage will be added.


Like all leveled items, XMP Bursters XMP Burster are available in eight levels and can only be used by Agents that meet or exceed the item's level. Each level increases in damage, range, and cost. XMP Bursters XMP Burster lower the energy levels of struck Resonators Resonator and Portal Mods following this scheme:

Level Usage
Damage Range Recycle
L1 L1 50 XM 150 XM 42 m 20 XM
L2 L2 100 XM 300 XM 48 m 40 XM
L3 L3 150 XM 500 XM 58 m 60 XM
L4 L4 200 XM 900 XM 72 m 80 XM
L5 L5 250 XM 1 200 XM 90 m 100 XM
L6 L6 300 XM 1 500 XM 112 m 120 XM
L7 L7 350 XM 1 800 XM 138 m 140 XM
L8 L8 400 XM 2 700 XM 168 m 160 XM

Recycling an XMP Burster XMP Burster yields (20 * L) XM, where L is the level of the item.


XMP Burster

A previous model of the XMP Burster

XMP Bursters XMP Burster, short for Exotic Matter Pulse Bursters, are XM constructs, one of the fundamental templates found in Earth's Exotic Matter (XM) matrix before storyline NPC's began developing their own. The items are formed of compressed Exotic Matter (XM) that, when released by an Agent's scanner, scramble enemy XM structures and cause them to collapse.

The mechanism by which the blast affects enemy Portals, but not dropped items, friendly Portals, or Agents themselves, is unknown.

Also see the Ultra Strike — a specialized XMP Burster XMP Burster.
